-2 2 LOWER_BOUND UPPER_BOUND roundTo(1, randRangeNonZero(-19, 19) / 10) roundTo(1, SOLUTION % 1) parseInt( ( SOLUTION ).toString(), 10 )

Liiguta \color{orange}{\text{oranž täpp}} arvteljel arvu \color{orange}{(SOLUTION+'').replace('.', ',')} juurde. Arvteljel olevate kriipsude vahe on 0,5 ühikut.

init({ range: [ [LOWER_BOUND - 1, UPPER_BOUND + 1], [-1, 1] ], scale: [120, 40] }); style({arrows: ">"}); line( [ 0, 0 ], [ UPPER_BOUND + 0.25, 0 ] ); style({arrows: "->"}); line( [ 0, 0 ], [ LOWER_BOUND - 0.25, 0 ] ); style({arrows: ""}); for ( var x = LOWER_BOUND; x <= UPPER_BOUND; x+=0.5 ) { var markLength; x % 1 === 0 ? markLength = 0.2 : markLength = 0.1 line( [ x, -markLength ], [ x, markLength ] ); } style({ stroke: GREEN, strokeWidth: 3.5 }); line( [ LOWER_BOUND, -0.2], [LOWER_BOUND, 0.2]); label( [ LOWER_BOUND, -0.53 ], LOWER_BOUND, "center", { color: GREEN }); line( [ UPPER_BOUND, -0.2], [UPPER_BOUND, 0.2]); label( [ UPPER_BOUND, -0.53 ], UPPER_BOUND, "center", { color: GREEN }); line( [ 0, -0.2], [0, 0.2]); label( [ 0, -0.53 ], "0", "center", { color: GREEN }); addMouseLayer(); this.movablePoint = addMovablePoint({ constraints: { constrainY: true }, snapX: 0.1 }); movablePoint.onMove = function( x, y ) { if (x < LOWER_BOUND || UPPER_BOUND < x) { return false; // don't allow the point to move past the bounds } jQuery("#solutionarea input").val( x ); };
Liiguta oranž täpp õige vastuse juurde.

Kuna \color{orange}{(SOLUTION+'').replace('.', ',')} on positiivne arvnegatiivne arv, siis peab oranž täpp olema arvust 0 paremal poolvasakul pool.

Eralda kümnendmurrus täisosa:

\color{orange}{(SOLUTION+'').replace('.', ',')} = \color{blue}{SOLUTION_WHOLE} + \color{blue}{(SOLUTION_DECIMAL+'').replace('.', ',')}

Järelikult, \color{orange}{(SOLUTION+'').replace('.', ',')} asub arvteljel \color{orange}{SOLUTION_WHOLE} ja \color{orange}{SOLUTION_WHOLE + (SOLUTION > 0 ? 1 : -1)} vahel.

style({ stroke: "#FFA500", strokeWidth: 3.5 }); line( [SOLUTION_WHOLE, -0.2], [SOLUTION_WHOLE, 0.2]); line( [SOLUTION_WHOLE + (SOLUTION > 0 ? 1 : -1), -0.2], [SOLUTION_WHOLE + (SOLUTION > 0 ? 1 : -1), 0.2]);
style({ stroke: GREEN, fill: "#6495ED", strokeWidth: 3.5, arrows: "->" }); line( [ 0, 0 ], [ SOLUTION, 0 ] ); movablePoint.visibleShape.toFront();

Oranži täppi peab seega liigutama arvust 0 \color{orange}{(SOLUTION+'').replace('.', ',')} paremale.

label( [ SOLUTION, -0.53 ], (SOLUTION+'').replace('.', ','), "center", { color: "#FFA500" }); movablePoint.moveTo( SOLUTION, 0 );

Oranž number näitab, kus asub kümnendmurd \color{orange}{(SOLUTION+'').replace('.', ',')} arvteljel.

ülesanne Selline on ülesanne alusta selle lahendamist.
Vajad abi? Vaata vihjet. See tegevus nullib sinu praegused punktid!